Become a Sponsor
We always welcome new partnerships that help to advance our work. Archaeology in the Community is interested in partnering with new or established companies and organizations that have solid brand image and reputations. Please review our general sponsorship packet [PDF 215 KB] for sponsorship levels.
We have three types of needs:
To learn more about different opportunities for sponsorship and support, please send us a message:
We have three types of needs:
- General Operating Support: AITC relies on donations and grants to pay for staff, materials, and overhead costs to continue our mission.
- In-Kind Support: in-kind sponsors provide products or knowledge that help AITC to maximize our impact on communities and schools, our administrative efficiency, and the overall potential of the organization.
- Event or Program Support: event or program sponsors support major AITC events and existing programs, such as the DC Day of Archaeology Festival or Young Archaeologists' Club. Such opportunities create marketing space to build public awareness of sponsor brands and services.
To learn more about different opportunities for sponsorship and support, please send us a message: